Convention center parking information here. The meetup is at the Anaheim Garden Walk; Parking info here. A note: parking is expensive at the convention center. If you are coming just for this event, park at the Garden Walk; three hours are free with validation, and walk over to the convention center.
Parking and other features of the Convention center:

Map to the meetup:

Well, that was fun.
And who knew that there were so many lurkers about?
It occurred to me that if anyone wants to post pictures of the event, personal anonymity preferences be protected. Can you see to that, IT?
Hi, Paul
Do you mean privacy of names, or photos? If people want to send me their photos to post, I'll put 'em up, and if people have privacy issues with respect to names or pictures, and let me know, I'll edit accordingly.
We have no problem with our pics, please just ID us as IT or BP.
If you don't have my regular IT-email, send me a note to and I'll give it to you.
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